Study Info Dump – personal notes / topics / questions / answers
California / Arizona – -Contractor Licensing Reciprocity — Yes — but there are probably some new details in 2025 to make it happen

TOPIC Categories:
Planning / Estimating
Framing / Structural Components
- Sill Plates / Sealer options
Core Trades
Finish Trades
Building Codes
Construction Techniques
Site Work
Concrete Reinforcement
How long is an Arizona Residential Contractors License valid For ? 1 – 2 -3 or 5 Years ?
What type of Bond is required to ensure the Contractor that wins the project bid puts the project Contract into action at that price and terms ? The Contractor will submit performance and payments bonds. The Performance bond covers the promise to stay with in the performance and completion requirements contained in the Bid. Bearer – Term – Performance – Payment – Municipal
Over 20 years experience in residential and commercial construction / renovation.
Studied Architecture and Construction Engineering for 2 Years at Arizona State University – moving ahead to get my MBA and continue into post-Master’s work in Engineering at Columbia University in New York City. Strong manufacturing and technology work.
I have used AI for the past 2 years to help look for patterns in the main Construction Topic testing areas to concentrate that knowledge depth in those categories. It’s a wide range of material and on-the-ground knowledge.
I have also worked in the semiconductor and software industries.
My goal was to better understand and combine this knowledge in the primary Building Topic areas and research different types of methods that leverage AI information processong to offer vastly better concentrated study depth to both successfully pass the testing and retain knowledge to improve the industry and expand the talent.